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fp_detect_background.js File Reference

Fingerprint Detector (FPD) main logic, fingerprinting evaluation and other essentials. More...


 if (typeof browser.browserAction.setBadgeTextColor==="function")
function async initFpd ()
function balanceUnsupportedWrappers ()
function correctGroupCriteria (rootGroup, effectedGroups, level)
function evaluateGroups (tabId)
function evaluateGroupsCriteria (rootGroup, level, tabId)
function evaluateResourcesCriteria (resource, groupName, level, tabId)
function async fpdCommonMessageListener (record, sender)
function fpdRequestCancel (requestDetails)
function async fpdLoadConfiguration ()
function processGroupsRecursive (input, groupsLevel)
function isFpdWhitelisted (hostname)
function isFpdOn (tabId)
function notifyFingerprintBlocking (tabId)
function generateFpdReport (tabId)
function refreshDb (tabId)
function periodicEvaluation (tabId, delay)
function evaluateFingerprinting (tabId)
function clearStorageFacilities (url)
function split_resource (text)


var fpDetectionOn
var fpdWhitelist = {}
var fpdSettings = {}
const exceptionWrappers = ["CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.fontFamily"]
var fpdObservable = new Observable()
var fpdGlobals

Detailed Description

Fingerprint Detector (FPD) main logic, fingerprinting evaluation and other essentials.

This file is part of Fingerprint Detector (FPD) and contains API groups evaluation logic. File also contains event listeners used for API logging, requests blocking and tabs management.

Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Marek Salon
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

Function Documentation

◆ balanceUnsupportedWrappers()

function balanceUnsupportedWrappers ( )

This function provides ability to balance/optimalize evaluation heuristics for cross-browser behaviour uniformity. It checks which resources are unsupported for given browser and adjust criteria of loaded FPD configuration accordingly.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearStorageFacilities()

function clearStorageFacilities (   url)

The function that clears all supported browser storage mechanisms for a given origin.

urlURL address of the origin.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ correctGroupCriteria()

function correctGroupCriteria (   rootGroup,

The function that corrects groups criteria according to unsupported wrappers. Groups should be deleted when more than half of weights (resources) cannot be obtained in the same group (whole group is invalidated). Groups criteria of "value" type are also recomputed to take into account unsupported resources and deleted groups/subgroups.

rootGroupGroup object of certain level from FPD configuration (in "fp_levels.wrappers" format).
effectedGroupsObject containing groups effected by criteria adjustment and corresponding deleted subgroups.
levelFPD configuration level identifier.
true if group should be deleted because of unsupported wrappers
false if group don't need to be deleted
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ evaluateFingerprinting()

function evaluateFingerprinting (   tabId)

The function that starts evaluation process and if fingerprinting is detected, it reacts accordingly.

tabIdInteger number representing ID of evaluated browser tab.
Object containing key "cancel" with value true if request is blocked, otherwise with value false
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ evaluateGroups()

function evaluateGroups (   tabId)

The function initializing evaluation of logged API calls (fpDb) according to groups criteria (fpGroups).

tabIdInteger number representing ID of browser tab that is going to be evaluated.
object where "weight" property represents evaluated weight of root group and "severity" property contain severity array
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ evaluateGroupsCriteria()

function evaluateGroupsCriteria (   rootGroup,

The function that evaluates group criteria according to evaluation of its child items (groups/resources).

rootGroupGroup name that needs to be evaluated.
levelLevel ID of groups and wrappers used for evaluation.
tabIdInteger number representing ID of evaluated browser tab.
Array that contains "Result" objects

Result object contains following properties: actualWeight (Obtained weight value of group after evaluation) maxWeight (Maximum obtainable weight value of group) type (Type of group item - group/call/get/set) accesses (Number of accesses to specified resource - groups always 0)

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ evaluateResourcesCriteria()

function evaluateResourcesCriteria (   resource,

The function that evaluates resource (wrapper) criteria according to API calls logs.

resourceFull name of resource/wrapper.
groupNameName of direct parent group.
levelLevel ID of groups and wrappers used for evaluation.
tabIdInteger number representing ID of evaluated browser tab.
Array that contains "Result" objects

Result object contains following properties (all of them in context of parent group): actualWeight (Obtained weight value of resource after evaluation) maxWeight (Maximum obtainable weight value of resource) type (Type of resource - call/get/set) accesses (Number of accesses to specified resource)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fpdCommonMessageListener()

function async fpdCommonMessageListener (   record,

Callback function that parses and handles messages recieved by FPD module. Messages may contain wrappers logging data that are stored into fpDb object. Also listen for popup messages to update FPD state and whitelist.

messageReceives full message.
senderSender of the message.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fpdLoadConfiguration()

function async fpdLoadConfiguration ( )

The function that loads module configuration from sync storage.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fpdRequestCancel()

function fpdRequestCancel (   requestDetails)

The function that makes decisions about requests blocking. If blocking enabled, also clear browsing data.

requestDetailsDetails about the request.
Object containing key "cancel" with value true if request is blocked, otherwise with value false
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ generateFpdReport()

function generateFpdReport (   tabId)

The function that generates a report about fingerprinting evaluation in a separate window.

tabIdInteger number representing ID of evaluated browser tab.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ if()

if ( typeof browser.browserAction.  setBadgeTextColor = == "function")

◆ initFpd()

function async initFpd ( )

This function initializes FPD module, loads configuration from storage, and registers listeners needed for fingerprinting detection.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isFpdOn()

function isFpdOn (   tabId)

The function that returns FPD setting for given url.

tabIdTab identifier for which FPD setting is needed.
Boolean value TRUE if FPD is on, otherwise FALSE.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isFpdWhitelisted()

function isFpdWhitelisted (   hostname)

Check if the hostname or any of it's domains is whitelisted.

hostnameAny hostname (subdomains allowed).
TRUE when domain (or subdomain) is whitelisted, FALSE otherwise.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ notifyFingerprintBlocking()

function notifyFingerprintBlocking (   tabId)

The function that creates notification and informs user about fingerprinting activity.

tabIdInteger number representing ID of suspicious browser tab.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ periodicEvaluation()

function periodicEvaluation (   tabId,

The function that periodically starts fingerprinting evaluation without the need for a request. Delay is increased exponentially and doubles in every call.

tabIdInteger number representing ID of browser tab.
delayInitial value of a delay in milliseconds.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ processGroupsRecursive()

function processGroupsRecursive (   input,

The function transforming recursive groups definition into indexed fpGroups object.

inputGroup object from loaded JSON format.
groupsLevelLevel ID of groups to process.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ refreshDb()

function refreshDb (   tabId)

Clear all stored logs for a tab.

tabIdInteger number representing ID of browser tab.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ split_resource()

function split_resource (   text)

The function splitting resource string into path and name. For example: "window.navigator.userAgent" => path: "window.navigator", name: "userAgent"

wrapperstext String representing full name of resource.
Object consisting of two properties (path, name) for given resource.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ exceptionWrappers

const exceptionWrappers = ["CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.fontFamily"]

Array containing names of unsupported wrappers that should be treated like supported ones during groups evaluation.



Definition of settings supported by this module.

◆ fpDetectionOn

var fpDetectionOn

FPD enable flag. Evaluate only when active.

◆ fpdGlobals

var fpdGlobals
Initial value:
= CachedStorage.init({
fpDb: {},
latestEvals: {},
fpGroups: {},
unsupportedWrappers: {},
availableTabs: {},
fpd_track_callers_tab: undefined,

◆ fpdObservable

var fpdObservable = new Observable()

API logs database of following structure: "tabId" : { "resource" : { "type" : { arguments { arg : "access count" }, total : "total access count" } } }

*values in quotations are substituted by concrete names

◆ fpdSettings

var fpdSettings = {}

Associative array of settings supported by this module.

◆ fpdWhitelist

var fpdWhitelist = {}

Associative array of hosts, that are currently among trusted ones.